1. Mach, E.: Über den verlauf der funkenwellen in der ebene und im raume. Sitzungsber. Akad. Wiss. Wien. (II, Abth), 77, 819–838 (1878)
2. Smith, L.G.: Photographic investigation of the reflection of plane shocks in air, Division 2, National Defence Research Committee of the Office of Scientific Research and Development, OSRD Rep. No. 6271 (1945)
3. White, D.R.: An experimental survey of the Mach reflection of shock waves, Technical Report II-10, Department of Physics, Princeton University, Aug. 1951. Also, Proceedings of the Second Midwestern Conference on Fluid Mechanics, March 17–19, 1952, Ohio State University, Engineering Experiment Station Bulletin 149, 21(3), 253–259 (1952)
4. von Neumann, J.: Theory of shock waves, Progress Report, Division 8, National Defence Research Committee of the Office of Scientific Research and Development, U.S. Dept. Comm. Tech. Serv. No. PB32719 (1943). Also, John von Neumann, Collected Works, Pergamon Press, 6, 178–202 (1963)
5. von Neumann, J.: Oblique reflection of shocks, Explosive Research Report No. 12, Navy Department, Bureau of Ordnance, U.S. Dept. Comm. Tech. Serv. No. PB37079 (1943). Also, John von Neumann, Collected Works, Pergamon Press 6, 238–299 (1963)