1. Ferri, A., Nucci, L.M.: Preliminary investigation of a new type of supersonic inlet. NACA RM L6J31 (1946), NACA Report 1104 (1952)
2. Ferri, A.: Application of the method of characteristics to supersonic rotational flow. NACA Report 841 (1946)
3. Ferri, A.: Elements of Aerodynamics of Supersonic Flows. Macmillan Co, NY (1949) [Cited by the publication in Russian translation: State Publisher of Technical-Theoretical Literature, Moscow-Leningrad (1952)]
4. Courant, R., Friedrichs, K.O.: Supersonic Flow and Shock Waves. Interscience Publishers, New York, NY (1948) [Cited by the publication in Russian translation: State Publisher of Technical-Theoretical Literature, Moscow-Leningrad (1952)]
5. Ferri, A., Nucci, L.M.: Theoretical and experimental analysis of low-drag supersonic inlets having a circular cross section and a central body at Mach numbers of 3.30, 2.75 and 2.45. NACA Report 1189 (1954)