1. A. A. Dankin, Poroshkovaya Metallurgia 94 (1970) 73.
2. Kh. Unemyas, L. Kleiss, V. Tumanov and J. Tilderman, Poroshkovaya 98 (1974) 135.
3. H. Conrad, D. McCabe and G. A. Sargent, 1st International Conference on Science of Hard Materials, edited by R. K. Vishanadham, D. F. Rowcliffe and J. Gurland (Plenum, New York, 1983) p. 175.
4. H. Conrad, Y. W. Shin and G. A. Sargent, ?Specialty Steels and Hard Metals?, edited by N. R. Cousins and J. B. Clark (Pergamon, New York, 1983) p. 423.
5. Institute of Physics Conference Series;K. Anand,1986