1. Maslow, A. H.: Toward A Psychology of Being, Van Nostrand, 1962; Maslow, A. H.: Lessons From the Peak-Experiences, Journal of Humanistic Psychology, 1962, Vol. 2, 9–18; Laski, M.: Ecstasy, Cresset Press, London, 1961.
2. Maslow, A. H.: Notes on Being-Psychology, Journal of Humanistic Psychology, 1962, Vol. 2, 47–71.
3. Abramson, H. (Editor): The Use of LSD in Psychotherapy, Josiah Macy, Jr. Foundation, 1961, 21.
4. Horney, K.: Neurosis & Human Growth, Norton, 1950.
5. Maslow, A. H. (Editor): New Knowledge in Human Values, Harper, 1959; Buhler, C.: Values in Psychotherapy, Free Press of Glencoe, 1962.