1. A.C. Switendick, Solid State Comm. 8 (1970) 1463.
2. Electronic Structure and Properties of Hydrogen in Metals, ed. by P. Jena and C.B. Satterthwaite (Plenum Press, New York, 1983).
3. International Symposium on Properties and Applications of Metal Hydrides (Maubuisson,1986); to be published by J. Less Common Met.
4. A.R. Williams, J. Kübler and C.D. Gelatt Jr., Phys. Rev. B 19 (1979) 6094; M. Methfessel and J. Kübler, J. Phys. F: Metal Phys. 12 (1982) 141.
5. A.C.Switendick, in reference 3.