1. “Methods for Crack Opening Displacement (COD) Testing,” The Brit. Stand. Inst., BS 5762: 1979 (1979).
2. “Standard Test Method for Plain-Strain Fracture Toughness of Metallic Materials,” Amer. Soc. Test. and Mat., E 399-83 (1983).
3. “Standard Test Method for JIC, a Measure of Fracture Toughness”, Amer. Soc. Test. and Mat., E 813-87 (1987).
4. Harrison, J.D, Dawes, M.G., Archer, G.L. and Kamath, M.S., “The COD Approach and its Application to Welded Structures,” ASTM STP 668, 606 (1979).
5. “Guidance on some Methods for the Derivation of Acceptance Levels for Defects in Fusion Welded Joints,” Brit. Stand. Inst., PD6493 (March 1980).