1. Landa, S.: Chem. Listy 27, 415, 443 (1933).
2. Schleyer, P. von R.: J. Am. Chem. Soc. 79, 3292 (1957).
3. -, Donaldson, M. M.: J. Am. Chem. Soc. 82, 4645 (1960).
4. Fort, R. C., Schleyer, P. von R.: Chem. Rev. 64, 277 (1964).
5. The literature has been surveyed through June, 1970. Some of the more recent literature (through Jan. 1971) is included in the form of an addendum at the end of this article. Heterocyclic adamantanes have generally not been included. Recent reciews of this field are available 6).