Adding ultrasound to treat-to-target shows no benefit in achieving clinical remission nor in slowing radiographic progression in rheumatoid arthritis: results from a multicenter prospective cohort


Sepriano Alexandre,Ramiro Sofia,Landewé Robert,van der Heijde Désirée,Ohrndorf Sarah,FitzGerald Olivier,Backhaus Marina,Larché Maggie,Homik Joanne,Saraux Alain,Hammer Hilde B.,Terslev Lene,Østergaard Mikkel,Burmester Gerd,Combe Bernard,Dougados Maxime,Hitchon Carol,Boire Gilles,Lambert Robert G.,Dadashova Rana,Paschke Joel,Hutchings Edna J.,Maksymowych Walter P.ORCID


AbbVie Canada


Springer Science and Business Media LLC

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