1. D. F. Smith and J. S. Smith, inPhysical Metallurgy of Controlled Expansion Inver-Type Alloy, K. C. Russell and D. F. Smith, eds. (The Minerals, Metals & Materials Society, 1990), p. 253.
2. D. F. Smith, J. S. Smith, and S. Floreen, inSuperalloy 1984, Warrendale, PA (The Metallurgical Society of AIME, 1984), p. 591.
3. K. A. Heck, D. F. Smith, J. S. Smith, D. A. Wells, and M. A. Holderby, inSuperalloys 1988 (The Metallurgical Society of AIME, 1988), p. 151.
4. R. H. Bricknell and D. A. Woodford,Metall. Trans. A 12A, 1673 (1981).
5. I. A. Menzies and J. Lubkiewicz,Oxid. Met. 3, 41 (1971).