1. B.M. Zupanćić, ‘From Combat to Contract: What Does the Constitution Constitute?’, in: (1998/1999) 1 European Journal of Law Reform. Although this article deals with the constitution of a nation state, I would suggest extending the so-called contractual doctrine to the process which could be called as ‘the development of EU constitutionalism’.
2. Ibid., p. 75.
3. See: N. Maim, ‘Suveräänsuse iganemine kaasajal’ (Obsolescence of Sovereignty Nowadays), Akadeemia, 11th year’s issue 1999, No.3, (120) p. 479
4. Riigi Teataja (State Gazette) I 1996, 35, 725.
5. A. Leps, ‘Eesti Pohiseaduse muutmisest’ (On Amendment of the Constitution of the Republic of Estonia), Akadeemia, 1999/3, AS Akadeemia Trükk.