1. Of special importance for this topic are: Bruno de Witte, 'Politics versus Law in the EU's Approach to Ethnic Minorities', EUI working paper, RSC No 2000/4
2. Adam Biscoe, The European Union and Minority Nations, in Peter Cumper and Steven Wheatley (Eds.), Minority Rights in the 'New' Europe (1999)
3. M. A. Martín Estébanez, The protection of national or ethnic, religious and linguistic minorities', in N.A. Neuwahl/A. Rosas (Eds.), The European Union and Human Rights (1995)
4. Bruno de Witte, The European Community and its Minorities', in C. Brölmann et al. (Eds.), Peoples and Minorities in International Law (1993), pp. 167-185
5. Bruno de Witte,' surviving in Babel? Language Rights and European Integration', in Yoram Dinstein and Mala Tabory (Eds.), The Protection of Minorities and Human Rights (1992), pp. 277-300. Remarks on minority aspects of the EU/EC are further to be found in Holger Kremser, 'Die Rechtsprechung des Europäischen Gerichtshofs zur Niederlassungsfreiheit und die Bedeutung für nationale Minderheiten', in D. Blumenwitz, G.H. Gornig and D. Murswiek, Fortschritte im Beitrittsprozess der Staaten Ostmittel-, Ost-und Südosteuropas zur Europäischen Union (1999), p. 51