1. See summary in F. Chalk and K. Jonassohn (eds.), The History and Sociology of Genocide, (1990);
2. L. Kuper, Genocide, (1981);
3. Y. Ternon, L?????tat criminel, (1995); see also C. M??ller, V??lkerstrafrecht und Internationaler Strafgerichtshof, (2003), pp. 19 et seq.
4. See F. Chalk and K. Jonassohn (eds.), The History and Sociology of Genocide, (1990), pp. 249 et seq.; L. Kuper, Genocide, (1981), pp. 105 et seq.; B. Cooper and T. Akcam, World Policy Journal, 2005, pp. 81 et seq.; J. Hübner, Das Verbrechen des Völkermordes im internationalen undnationalen Recht, (2004), pp. 34 et seq.; C. Möller, Völkerstrafrecht und Internationaler Strafgerichtshof, (2003), pp. 50 et seq.; A. Ohandjanian, Armenien: Der verschwiegene Völkermord (1989);, Y. Ternon, L’état criminel, (1995), pp. 204 et seq. For a classification of the German Imperial Army’s actions against the Herero in Namibia as genocide, see F. Chalk and K. Jonassohn (eds.), The History and Sociology of Genocide, (1990), p. 230; Y. Ternon, L’État criminel, (1995), p. 310 et seq.
5. See generally R. Hilberg, The Destruction of the European Jews, 3rd, edn. (2003). See also C.R. Browning, Nazi Policy, Jewish Workers, German Killers, (2000).