1. European Private Law of Obligations, (Ole Lando, Bernd von Hoffmann and Kurt Siehr (eds.)), Materialien zum ausländischen und internationale Privatrecht 23 (Tübingen 1975).
2. See Lando & Beale (eds.), Principles of European Contract Law, Part 1: Performance, Nonperformance and Remedies (Deventer 1995) on the Commission on European Contract Law.
3. Directive 93/13 of 5 April 1993, OJ(EC) L [1993] 95/29.
4. See Directives on Doorstep Sales (85/577, 20 Dec. l985, OJ(EC) [1985] L 372/31), Consumer Credit (87/102, 22 Dec. l986, OJ(EC) [1987] L 42/48), Package Tours (90/314, 13 June l990 OJ(EC) [1990] L 314/59), Time Share Agreements (94/47, 26 Oct. l994, OJ(EC) [1994] L 280/83), Distant Sales (97/7, 20 May 1997, OJ(EC) [1997] L 144/9), and on certain aspects of the Sale of Consumer Goods and Associated Guarantees (99/44, 25 May 1999, OJ(EC) [1999] L 171/12).
5. Directive 86/653, 18 Dec. 1986, OJ(EC) [1986] L 382/17.