1. W. Wallace, ‘Regionalism in Europe: Model or Exception?’, in A. Hurrell and L. Fawcett, eds., Regionalism in World Politics. Regional Organization and International Order (Oxford, Oxford University Press 1995) p. 201.
2. E. Best, ‘Capacities for Regional Integration: A Conceptual Framework for Comparative Analysis’, in M.O. Hosli and A. Saether, eds., Free Trade Agreements and Customs Unions. Experiences, Challenges and Constraints (Brussels and Maastricht, European Commission TACIS and EIPA 1997) p. 51.
3. This discussion of the Coal and Steel Community is drawn primarily from J. Gillingham, Coal, Steel, and the Rebirth of Europe, 1945–1955. The Germans and French from Ruhr Conflict to Economic Community (Cambridge, Cambridge University Press 1991).
4. Fora recent explicit restatement of this idea, see Antonio López Torrero, ‘Water as a source of peace in the Middle East’, May 2003, available at: <
5. See S. Duke, The Elusive Quest for European Security: From EDC to CFSP (London, Macmillan/ St. Antony’s 2001).