1. What follows here is based on Wolfram's Chapter 1 of Simma's authoritative "The Charter of the United Nations, A Commentary", Oxford (1995) pp. 49-56, reprinted with the kind permission of OUP. Dr. Wolfram selected the following bibliography: Bennett, A. L, International Organizations. Principles and Issues (2nd edition 1980) pp. 54-6
2. Buchen, A. /MacKintosh, M., Sicherheit, Sowjetsystem und Demokratische Gesellschaft (1972) pp. 862-78. Delbruck, J., 'Collective Security', EPIL (3) pp. 104-14
3. Doehring, K., 'Kollektive Sicherheit', in Handbuch Vereinte Nationen (Wolfram, R. ed., 2nd edition 1991) pp. 405-10
4. Goodrich, L.M. / Simons, A.P., The United Nations and the Maintenance of International Peace and Security (1955)
5. Kimminich, O., 'Was heiszt kollektive Sicherheit?' in Kollektive Sicherheit in und fur Europa. Eine Alternative (Lutz, D. ed., 1985) pp. 47-75