1. See the contribution by van Eekelen and Blockmans to this volume.
2. For the complete list of ESDP operations, see the website of the Council of the European Union, at .
3. Note that the table lists the EU Police Mission (EUPM) in Bosnia and Herzegovina twice in order to highlight the fact that the EUPM mandate was significantly revised in 2006; similarly, the table lists EUPT Kosovo as a separate mission in order to highlight ESDP activities in Kosovo since 2006. As a result, the number or missions differs from that presented on the official website of the Council referred to in the previous note.
4. See M. Emerson and E. Gross, eds., Evaluating the EU’s Crisis Missions in the Balkans (Brussels, CEPS Paperback 2007).
5. Derived from an interview with a Member State official, October 2005.