1. Rokas, ‘Exploitation and protection of the advertising value’, law magazine Epitheorissi Emporikou Dikaiou, 1999, 1.
2. Stathopoulos — Georgiadis, Art. 57 of Greek Civil Code, Art. 9, Playianakos, ‘Right of a person’s own image’, law magazine Elliniki Dikaiossini, 1966, 118–136, Garoufalia, The artworks and their legal protection, 2001, 215–216.
3. Athens Supreme Court of Appeal Decision 411/2002, published in database NOMOS.
4. Athens First Instance Court Decision 1639/2001, law magazine Dikaio Epicheirisseon kai Etaireion, 2001, 858.
5. Athens First Instance Court Decision 1319/2001, law magazine Dikaio Epicheirisseon kai Etaireion, 2002, 601.