1. See M. Kaldor, V. Bojičić and I. Vejvoda, ‘Reconstruction in the Balkans: A Challenge for Europe?’, 2 EFA Rev. (1997) pp. 329–350 at pp. 344-346.
2. Council conclusions on the principle of conditionality governing the development of the EU’s relations with certain countries of South East Europe, Bull. EU 4-1997, point 2.2.1.
3. See, e.g., O. Stokke, ‘Aid and Political Conditionality: Core Issues and State of the Art’, in O. Stokke, ed., Aid and Political Conditionality (London, Frank Cass 1995) pp. 1–87; K. Smith, ‘The Use of Political Conditionality in the EU’s Relations with Third Countries: How Effective?’, 3 EFA Rev. (1998) pp. 253-274; E. Lannon, K. Inglis and T. Haenebalcke, ‘The Many Faces of EU Conditionality in Pan-Euro-Mediterranean Relations’, in M. Maresceau and E. Lannon, eds., The EU’s Enlargement and Mediterranean Strategies — A Comparative Analysis (London, Palgrave 2001) pp. 97-138; F. Hoffmeister, ‘Changing Requirements for Membership’, in A. Ott and K. Inglis, eds., Handbook on European Enlargement — A Commentary on the Enlargement Process (The Hague, T.M.C. Asser Press 2002) pp. 90-102; K. Smith, ‘The Evolution and Application of EU Membership Conditionality’, in M. Cremona, ed., The Enlargement of the European Union (Oxford, Oxford University Press 2003) pp. 105-139; C. Hillion, ‘The Copenhagen Criteria and their Progeny’, in C. Hillion, ed., EU Enlargement: A Legal Approach (Oxford, Hart Publishing 2004) pp. 1-22; M. Cremona, ‘EU Enlargement: Solidarity and Conditionality’, 30 EL Rev. (2005) pp. 3-22; and K. Inglis, ‘EU Enlargement: Membership Conditions Applied to Future and Potential Member States’, in Blockmans and Łazowski, eds., The European Union and Its Neighbours: A Legal Appraisal of the EU’s Policies of Stabilisation, Partnership and Integration (The Hague, T.M.C. Asser Press 2006) pp. 61-92.
4. See Council Conclusions and Declaration on former Yugoslavia, Bull. EU 1/2-1996, point 1.4.108.
5. See H.-G. Ehrhart, ‘Prevention and Regional Security: The Royaumont Process and the Stabilisation of South-Eastern Europe’, 4 OSCE Yearbook (1998) pp. 327–346.