1. Parliament systematically adopted resolutions before the successive IGCs in order to influence their work; it also adopted after each IGC a resolution evaluating the results achieved. Hereafter the resolutions before and after the respective IGCs are enumerated. — Single European Act • Resolution of 14 February 1984: report and draft Treaty Spinelli (OJ (1984) C 77/33). • Resolutions of 16 January 1986: report Planas (OJ (1986) C 36/144) and of 17 April 1986 (OJ (1986) C 120/96). — Treaty of Maastricht • Resolutions on the basis of report by D. Martin of 14 March 1990 (OJ (1990) C 96/114), 11 July 1990 (OJ (1990) C 231/97) and of 22 November 1990 (OJ (1990) C 324/219). • Resolution of 7 April 1992: report Martin (OJ (1992) C 125/81). — Treaty of Amsterdam • Resolutions of 17 May 1995: report D. Martin/Bourlanges (OJ (1995) C 151/56) and of 13 March 1996: report Duff/Maij-Weggen (OJ (1996) C 96/77). • Resolution of 19 November 1997: report Méndez de Vigo/Tsatsos (OJ (1997) C 371/99). — Treaty of Nice • Resolutions on the basis of report Dimitrakopoulos/Leinen of 18 November 1999 (OJ (2000) C 189/222), 3 February 2000 (OJ (2000) C 309/85) and of 13 April 2000 (OJ (2001) C 40/409); Resolution of 31 May 2001: report Méndez de Vigo/Seguro (OJ (2002) C 47E/108).
2. Supra n. 1, Resolution of 31 May 2001, para. 5.
3. Idem, para. 39.
4. Resolution of 29 November 2001 on the constitutional process and the future of the Union (OJ (2002) C 153/310); reporters: J. Leinen and M. de Vigo, A5-0368/2001, para 4.
5. For a complete view of the preparation of the Laeken Declaration and the discussions of the Convention in particular on the institutional issues, see the excellent article by P. Magnette, ‘La constitutionnalisation des traités européens: forces et limites de la “méthode conventionnelle”’, in Une Constitution pour l’Europe, Réflexions sur les transformations du droit de l’Union européenne (éditions Larcier 2004) pp. 24–51.