The Dutch and the European Choice of Law Rules on Divorce Compared


Baarsma N. A.


T.M.C. Asser Press

Reference33 articles.

1. Brussels IIter-Proposal. Proposal for a Council Regulation amending Regulation (EC) No. 2201/2003 as regards jurisdiction and introducing rules concerning applicable law in matrimonial matters, COM(2006) 399 final

2. Choice of Law Act on Divorce. Act of 25 March 1981, Stb. 1981, No. 166, containing a regulation of the choice of law rules on the dissolution of the marriage and on legal separation and the recognition thereof, Wet conflictenrecht Echtscheiding

3. Choice of Law Act on Registered Partnerships. Act of 6 July 2004, Stb. 2004, Nos. 334 and 621, containing a regulation of the choice of law with regard to the registered partnership, Wet conflictenrecht Geregistreerd Partnerschap

4. Dutch Proposal on Private International Law. Vaststelling en invoering van Boek 10 (Internationaal privaatrecht) van het Burgerlijk Wetboek, Kamerstukken II 2009–2010, 32 137, No. 2

5. Green Paper on Divorce. Green Paper on applicable law and jurisdiction in divorce maters, COM(2005) 82 final







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