1. D. Robinson, ‘Serving the Interests of Justice: Amnesties, Truth Commissions and the International Criminal Court’ (2003) 14 EJIL 481.
2. J. Zalaquett, ‘Balancing Ethical Imperatives and Political Constraints: The Dilemma of New Democracies Confronting Past Human Rights Violations’ (1991–1992) Hastings Law Journal 1425.
3. See R. Teitel, ‘Transitional Justice Genealogy’ (2003) 16 Harvard Human Rights Journal 69, at 75–89.
4. C. Stahn, ‘Complementarity, Amnesties and Alternative Forms of Justice: Some Interpretative Guidelines for the International Criminal Court’ (2005) 3 JICJ 695.
5. J.E. Mendéz, ‘National Reconciliation, Transnational Justice, and the International Criminal Court’ (2004) 15 Ethics & International Affairs 25.