1. European Commission (2009) Communication from the commission on the application of state aid rules to public service broadcasting. OJ (2009) C 257/1
2. Commission of the European Communities (2007) Commission staff working document—The EU and Sport: background and context—Accompanying document to the White Paper on Sport. 11 July 2007, SEC(2007) 935
3. Commission decision, of 27 May 1998 relating to a proceeding pursuant to Council Regulation (EEC) No 4064/89 (Case No IV/M.993—Bertelsmann/Kirch/Premiere). OJ 1999 L 53/1
4. Commission decision of 3 March 1999 relating to a proceeding pursuant to Article 85 of the EC Treaty (Case No IV/36.237-TPS). OJ (1999) L 90/6
5. Commission decision of 9 December 1999 (Case 36851–Lille/UEFA (Mouscron)) (not published)