1. A. Sorel, ‘Asylum, Migration and Border Controls in the Hague Programme’, in J.W. de Zwaan and F.A.NJ. Goudappel (eds.), Freedom, Security and Justice in the European Union. Implementation of the Hague Programme (The Hague, T.M.C. Asser Press 2006) pp. 11–16, at pp. 11-12.
2. Communication from the Commission to the Council and the European Parliament, Area of Freedom, Security and Justice: Assessment of the Tampere Programme and future orientations (SEC (2004)680 et SEC (2004)693), COM (2004) 401 final, 2.6.2004.
3. COM (2004) 4002 final, Brussels, 2.6.2004, p. 3, fn 3.
4. Id p. 5.
5. Id.