1. Constitutional Tribunal, 27 April 2005, Case P 1/05 (re Conformity of provisions on EAW with the Constitution) [2006] 1 C.M.L.R. 36.
2. Constitutional Tribunal, 11 May 2005, Case K 18/04 (re Conformity of the Accession Treaty 2003 with the Polish Constitution) OTK Z.U. 2005/5A/49; an English summary of the judgment is available at the Constitutional Tribunal website http://www.trybunal.gov.pl/eng/summaries/documents/K_18_04_ GB.pdf.
3. See A. Albi, EU Enlargement and the Constitutions of Central and Eastern Europe (Cambridge, Cambridge University Press 2005) pp. 67–121.
4. For details, see Albi, op. cit. n. 5, at pp. 78–121.
5. Supreme Court of Cyprus, 7 November 2005, Judgment in case Attorney General of the Republic v. Konstantinou, [2007] 3 C.M.L.R. 42. See further Chapter 15 in this volume.