1. P.S. Rhedey and D. DuTremblay, “Refinery Feedstocks Coke Structure and Aluminium Cell Anodes,” Light Metals 1977 (Warrendale, PA: TMS, 1977), pp. 301–316.
2. S.S. Jones, R.D. Hildebrandt, and M.C. Hedlund, “Variation of Anode Performance with Coke Quality,” TMS paper selection A77-97 (Warrendale, PA: TMS, 1977).
3. S.S. Jones, R.D. Hildebrandt, and M.C. Hedlund, “Influence of High Sulphur Coke on Anode Performance,” Light Metals 1979 (Warrendale, PA: TMS, 1979), pp. 553–574.
4. P.J. Rhedey and S.K. Nadkorni, “Calciner Feedstock Characteristics and Calcined Coke Quality,” Light Metals 1984 (Warrendale, PA: TMS, 1984), pp. 859–868.
5. E. Barrillon, “Mechanisms of Carbon Dust Formation in Aluminium Production Pots,” ISCOBA (1971), pp. 87–94.