1. N.P. Fitzpatrick, M. Hill, and S. Zouiken, “The Validation of a Model of Reverberatory Furnace Used in the Aluminium Industry,” Light Metals 1978 (Warrendale, PA: TMS, 1978).
2. R.T. Bui and J. Perron, “Performance Analysis of the Aluminum Casting Furnaces,” Met. Trans.
3. R.T. Bui, “Aluminum Casting Furnace Modeling,” JOM, 41(2) (1989), pp. 43–47.
4. M.A. Glinkov and G.M. Glinkov, A General Theory of Furnaces (Moscow: Mir Publishers, 1980).
5. V. Krivandin and R. Markov, Metallurgical Furnaces (Moscow: Mir Publishers, 1980).