1. F. Reza, "On the Schlicht Behaviour of Certain Impedance Functions", IEEE Trans. on Circuit Theory, Vol. CT-9, pp. 231–232, Sept. 1962.
2. F. Reza, "RLC Canonic Forms", J. Appl. Phys., pp. 297–301, 1954.
3. F. Reza, "Generation of Inductive and Capacitive Accretive Operators", Proc. IEE, Part G, Vol. 128, pp. 131–133, 1981.
4. F. Reza, "Schwarz's Lemma for n-Ports", Proc. of 1981 International Symposium on the Mathematical Theory of Networks and Systems, Santa Monica, California.
5. F. Reza, "Convexity of the Energy Domain", Journal of the Franklin Institute 1983.