1. N. V. Tsitsin, and M. N. Sileva, ?The question of the chemical composition of the seeds of yellow acacia,? Byul. Glavnogo Botanicheskogo Sada AN SSSR, No. 46, 53 (1962).
2. M. Gruzdite and S. Krivitskaite, in: Abstracts of Lectures at the 17th Scientific Student Conference of the Kaunas Medical Institute [in Russian], Kaunas (1966), p. 37.
3. R. Lasite and B. Pranskaitite, Proceedings of the 18th Scientific Conference of the Kaunas Medical Institute [in Russian], Kaunas (1967), p. 117.
4. D. Barnauskaite, Proceedings of the 19th Scientific Conference of Lecturers at the Kaunas Medical Institute [in Russian], Kaunas (1969), p. 309.