1. N. D. STALNAKER, M. KAHN, B. T. KENNA, Report SC-R-68-1723, 1968.
2. D. E. WOOD, Proc. 52nd Annual Meeting of the American Association of Cereal Chemist, Los Alamos, 1967.
3. L. KOSTA, Report STI/PUB-212, Conf-680656, 1968, p. 161.
4. S. KOCH, J. KNORR, Nitrogen determination by activation analysis in grains. Unpublished report, Techn. Univ. Dresden, Dept. Isotope Techniques, Dresden, 1972.
5. A. H. JAFFEY, Nucl. Instr. Methods, 68 (1969) 287.