1. F. Negroni, S. Kobayashi, and E. G. Thomsen:Trans. ASME, [J. Eng. Ind.], May 1968, p. 387.
2. H. P. Stuwe: “On the Theory of Unstable Deformation”Proc. 3rd Int. Conf. on Dimensioning, p. 603, Budapest, 1968.
3. E.W. Hart:Acta Met., 1967, vol. 15, p. 351.
4. F. R. Shanley:Aerospace Eng., Dec. 1961, pp. 30–31, 55-61.
5. G. Sachs and J.D. Lubahn:Trans. ASME, 1946, vol. 68, no. 4, p. 271.