1. R. Stickler and A. Vinckier:Trans. ASM, 1961, vol. 54, pp. 362–80.
2. B. Weiss and R. Stickler:Met. Trans., 1972, vol. 3, pp. 851–66.
3. A. Johansson:Proceedings IUTAM Colloquim on Fatigue, p. 112, Springer-Verlag, Berlin, 1956.
4. M. R. Hempel:Fracture, p. 376, The Technology Press of M.I.T. and John Wiley & Sons, New York, 1959.
5. F. Garofalo, F. Von Gemmingen, and W. F. Domis:Trans. ASM, 1961, vol. 54, pp. 430–44.