1. A N Mitra, Three-body problem with separable potentials: I bound states, Nucl. Phys., Vol.32, pp.529–542. 1962.
2. A N Mitra and V S Bhasin, Three-body problem with separable potentials: II n-d scattering, Phys. Rev., Vol.131, No.3, p.1265, 1963.
3. C Lovelace, Practical theory of three-particle states. I. Nonrelativistic, Phys. Rev., Vol.135, No.5B, p.B1225, 1964.
4. L D Faddeev, Scattering theory for a three-particle system, Sov. Phys. JETP, Vol.12, 1961; See also Mathematical Aspects of three body problem in Quantum Scattering Theory, Israel Program for Scientific translation, Jerusalem, 1965.
5. A N Mitra, Ivo Slaus, V S Bhasin and V K Gupta (eds), Few Body Dynamics in Nuclear and Particle Physics, Proceedings of 7th International Conference held in Delhi, from Dec. 29th (1975) to Jan. 3 (1976), North Holland Publishing Co., Amsterdam, 1976.