1. William E Boyce and Richard C Diprima, Elementary Differential Equations and Boundary Value Problems, 3rd Edn, John Wiley & Sons, Inc, New York, 1977.
2. Merke C Porter and Jack Golberg, Mathematical Methods, 2nd Edn, Prentice-Hall International Inc, New Jersey, 1978.
3. Erel D Rainville and Philipe A Bedint, Elementary Differential Equations, Macmillan Publishing Co, Canada, 1974.
4. M Hermann and M Saravi, A First Course in Ordinary Differential Equations: Analytical and Numerical Methods, Springer, Germany, 2014.
5. M Tenenbaum and H Pollard, Ordinary Differential Equations, Harper and Row, New York, Evanston, and London, and Joan Weatherhill, Inc, Tokyo, 1964.