1. H Barnes, A Handbook of Elementary Rheology, The University of Wales Institute of Non-Newtonian Fluid Mechanics, 2000.
2. J Walker, Amateur Scientist: Serious Fun with Polyox, Silly Putty, Slime and other Non-Newtonian fluids, Sci. Amer., November, p.186, 1978.
3. D Boger and K Walters, Rheological Phenomena in Focus, Elsevier, 1992.
4. If a thin layer of cornstarch solution is vibrated, stable ‘holes’ can be created in the layer if a puff of air is blown on the surface. See the video: youtube.com/watch?v=H1Rzv0HAdug
5. A Kaye, A Bouncing Liquid Stream, Nature, Vol.4871, p.1001, 1963.