1. O.-J. Dahl: “Can Program Proving be Made Practica?” In Les Foundements de la Programmation, M. Amirchahy and D. Néel, Ed., INRIA, 1977
2. O.-J. Dahl: “Object Oriented Specification.” In Research Directions in Object-Oriented Programming, B. Shriver and P. Wegner, Ed., MIT Press, 1987.
3. O.-J. Dahl: Verifiable Programming. To appear in The Hoare Series, Prentice Hall.
4. O.-J. Dahl, D.F. Langmyhr, O. Owe: “Preliminary Report on the Specification and Programming Language ABEL.” Research Report 106, Dept. of Informatics, University of Oslo, Norway, 1986.
5. K. Futasugi, J.A. Goguen, J.-P. Jouannaud, J. Meseguer: “Principles of OBJ2.” In Proceedings, 1985 Symposium on Principles of Programming Languages and Programming, Association for Computing Machinery, 1985, pp. 52–66. W. Brauer, Ed., Springer-Verlag, 1985. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Volume 194.