1. F. MEZEI, Proc. Int. Symp. on Neutron Scattering (IAEA, Vienna 1977) (see Appendix C of this volume)
2. R. PYNN, J. Phys. E 11, 1133 (1978) (see Appendix D of this volume)
3. J. ALS-NIELSEN, J.D. LITSTER, R.J. BIRGENAU, A. LINDEGAARD-ANDERSEN and S. MATHIESEN, “Order in Strongly Fluctuating Systems” (Plenum, 1979)
4. J.B. HAYTER, Z. Physik B31, 117 (1978) (see Appendix B of this volume); O. SCHARPF, this volume
5. G F U N 3 D User Guide (Rutherford Laboratory report RL-76-029/A)