1. DAMM, W. Languages defined by higher type program schemes, 4 th international colloquium on Automata, Languages and Programming, Lecture Notes in Computer Science 52 (1977), 164–179, Springer Verlag
2. DAMM, W. The IO-and OI-Hierarchies, Schriften zur Informatik und Angewandten Mathematik, Bericht Nr. 41 (1980), RWTH Aachen
3. DAMM, W. Top-down tree transducers for infinite trees, in preparation
4. DAMM, W. / FEHR, E. On the power of self application and higher type recursion, Proc. 5th international colloquium on Automata, Languages and Programming, Lecture Notes in Computer Science Science 62 (1978), 177–191, Springer Verlag
5. DAMM, W. / FEHR, E. A schematological approach to the analysis of the procedure concept in ALGOL-languages, Proc. 5 ième colloque sur les Arbres en Algebre et en Programmation, Lille, (1980), 130–134 (abstract)