1. Aho, A.V., and J.D. Ullman, The Theory of Parsing, Translation and Compiling. Vol. 1: Parsing. Prentice-Hall, 1972.
2. Brosgol, B.M., Deterministic Translation Grammars. TR 3–74, Center for Research in Computing Technology, Harvard University, 1974.
3. Harrison, M.A., Introduction to Formal Language Theory. Addison-Wesley, 1978.
4. Hunt, H.B., III, T.G. Szymanski and J.D. Ullman, Operations on sparse relations and efficient algorithms for grammar problems. IEEE 15th Annual Symposium on Switching and Automata Theory, 1974, 127–132.
5. Hunt, H.B., III, T.G. Szymanski and J.D. Ullman, On the complexity of LR(k) testing. Comm. ACM 18 (1975), 707–716.