1. H. Bekić & K. Walk: "Formalization of Storage Properties", in: ‘Formal Semantics of Algorithmic Languagesrs, ed. E. Engeler, Springer-Verlag, LN in Math., vol.188,1971. Develops the function for the abstract modelling of variablery locations, values & storages. To the basis for all subsequent VDM Language definitions (PL/I:1; ALGOL 60:7.5; CHILL: 19; Ada 16.).
2. IBM Techn. Rpt.;H. Bekić,1974
3. Lecture Notes in Computer Science;C. B. Jones,1975
4. —:"Program Specifications and Formal Development", ICS77(European ACM) International Computing Symposium 1977, (eds.Morlet & Ribbens), Proceedings, North-Holland Publ.Co., 1977. pp.: 537–554.
5. D.Bjørner:"Programming Languages: Linguistics & Semantics", ICS77, (European ACM) International Computing Symposium 1977, (eds.Morlet & Ribbens), Proceedings, North-Holland Publ.Co., 1977. pp.: 511–536. Unfolds, in a tutorial style isolated models of a variety of programming language constructs.