1. Jin-Quan Chen, Fang Wang and Mei-Juan Gao, Acta. Phys. Sinica 26, 307 (1977); 26, 427 (1977); 27, 31 (1978); 27, 203 (1978); 27, 237 (1978).
2. Jin-Quan Chen, Fan Wang and Mei-Juan Gao, Journal of Nanjing University, No. 2, 1977. ibid, No. 2 1978.
3. Jin-Quan Chen and Mei-Juan Gao, “Reduction Coefficients of Permutation Groups and Their Applications” (to be published by Beijing Academy Pub. Co.)
4. I. G. Kaplan, Zh. Eksp. Teor. Fiz. 41, 560 (1961).
5. Jin-Quan Chen, “A New Approach to Group Representation Theory” (to be published by Shanghai Science Pub. Co.).