1. H. Andréka, P. Burmeister, I. Németi. Quasivarieties of partial algebras — A unifying approach towards a two-valued model theory for partial algebras. Preprint Nr. 557, Technische Hochschule Darmstadt, Fachbereich Mathematik, 1980.
2. H. Andréka, I. Németi. Generalization of variety and quasivariety concept to partial algebras through category theory. MKI Budapest, Preprint 1976/5; to appear in Dissertationes Mathematicae No. 204.
3. P. Burmeister. Free partial algebras. J. reine u. angewandte Math. 241, 1970, pp. 75–86.
4. P. Burmeister. Primitive Klassen partieller Algebren. Habilitationsschrift, Bonn, 1971.
5. P. Burmeister. Partial algebras — Survey of a unifying approach towards a two-valued model theory for partial algebras. Preprint Nr. 582, Technische Hochschule Darmstadt, Fachbereich Mathematik, 1981.