1. G. Booch. Object-Oriented Analysis and Design with Applications. Benjamin/Cummings, 2nd edition, 1993.
2. G. Booch and J. Rumbaugh. Unified method for object-oriented development, version 0.9. Technical report, Rational Software Corporation, 1996.
3. J. P. Bowen and J. A. Hall, editors. Z User Workshop, Cambridge 1994, Workshops in Computing. Springer-Verlag, 1994.
4. J. P. Bowen and M. G. Hinchey, editors. ZUM'95: The Z Formal Specification Notation, 9th International Conference of Z Users, volume 967 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 1995.
5. J-M. Bruel, B. Chintapally, R. B. France, and G. Raghvan. FuZE-draft of the user's guide. Technical report, Department of Computer Science & Engineering, Florida Atlantic University, 1996.