1. CFE, Centre for Functional Ecology and Department of Life Sciences, Faculty of Sciences and TechnologyUniversity of CoimbraCalçada Martim de Freitas3000‐456CoimbraPortugal
2. Institute of BotanyAcademy of Sciences of the Czech RepublicZámek 1252 43PrůhoniceCzech Republic
3. Department of Botany, Faculty of ScienceCharles University in PragueBenátská 2128 01PragueCzech Republic
4. Institute for Biodiversity and Ecosystem Dynamics (IBED)University of AmsterdamPO Box 940621090 GBAmsterdamThe Netherlands
5. Department of Plant Conservation and Population BiologyKU Leuven, University of LeuvenKasteelpark Arenberg 313001HeverleeBelgium