1. E. Spire: A Ladle Treatment for Desulphurising and Degassing Steel, Proceedings of Electric Furnace Steel Conference, AIME, 1951, vol. 9, pp. 75–84.
2. B. Kalling, C. Danielson, and O. Dragge: Svavelrening av Tackjarn med Kalk i Pulverform, Jernkontorets Annaler, 1951, vol. 135, pp. 89–115.
3. S. Eketorp: Désulfuration par la Chaux Solide, Revue de Metallurgie, 1955, vol. 52, pp. 718–724.
4. B. Kalling and S. Eketorp: Desulphurization of Pig Iron with Solid Lime, Blast Furnace and Steel Plant, 1957, vol. 45, pp. 494–497, 513.
5. B. Trentini, L. Wahl, and M. Allard: Désulphuration de la Fonte par Insufflation de Poudre de Chaus, Revue de Metallurgie, 1936, vol. 53, pp. 388–399; Journal of the Iron and Steel Institute, 1956, vol. 183, pp. 124–134.