1. A. Portevin and M. Garvin: Fundamental Investigation of the Influence of the Rate of Cooling on the Hardening of Carbon Steels.Jnl. Iron and Steel Inst. (1919)99, 469.
2. W. R. Chapin: Properties of Some Steels in the Hardening Range.Trans. Amer. Soc. Steel Treat. (1922)2, 507.
3. D. Lewis: Transformation of Austenite into Martensite in an0,8 per cent. Carbon Steel.Jnl. Iron and Steel Ins. (1929),119, 427.
4. B. H. DeLong and F. R. Palmer: What Happens when High-speed Steel is Quenched. Trans. Amer. Soc. Steel Treat. (1928)13, 420.
5. D. Lewis:Loc. cit..