1. D. E. Fetterman, A. Henderson (Jr), M. H. Bertram, and P. J. Johnston, ?Studies relating to the attainment of high lift-drag-ratios at hypersonic speeds,? NASA TN, ND-2956, 32 (1965).
2. R. I. Shteinberg, ?Aerodynamics of half-cones at supersonic velocities,? Tr. TsAGI, No, 1944, 1 (1978).
3. W. J. Bannink and J. W. Reyn, ?Lift and drag characteristics of a delta-wing-half-cone configuration with subsonic leading edges using slender-body theory,? AGARD Conf. Proc. No. 71. Fluid Dynamics Panel Specialists Meeting, Silver Springs, Paper 6, Md. Sept. 28?30 (1970), p. 11.
4. Yu. I. Lobanovskii, ?Calculation of supersonic flow of inviscid gas past winged conical bodies,? Uch. Zap. TsAGI,11, 58 (1980).
5. Yu. I. Lobanovskii, ?Aerodynamic characteristics of configurations consisting of half-cones and flat delta wings with supersonic leading edges,? Uch. Zap. TsAGI,10, 83 (1979).