1. Übersichten: Baldwin, R.B.: The Measure of the Moon. Univ. Chicago Press 1963; Mutch, Th. A.: Geology of the Moon. A Stratigraphic View. Princeton Univ. Press 1970; Schulz, P.H.: Moon Morphology. Interpretation based on Lunar Orbiter Photography. Austin-London: Univ. of Texas Press 1972; Frondel, J.F.: Lunar Mineralogy. New York-Sydney-Toronto; Wiley 1975; Taylor, St.R.: Lunar Science. A Post Apollo View, New York-Toronto-Oxford: Pergamon Press 1975; Short, N.M.: Planetary Geology. Englewood Cliffs, N.J.: Prentice-Hall 1975; Lindsay, J.F.: Lunar Stratigraphy and Sedimentology. New York-London-Sydney-Toronto: Wiley 1975; King, E.A.: Space Geology. New York-London-Sydney-Toronto: Wiley 1976; French, B.M.: The Moon Book. New York: Penguin 1977; Ringwood, A.E.: Origin of the Earth and Moon. New York-Heidelberg-Berlin: Springer 1979; Guest, J.E., Greeley, R. (Übersetzt von W. v. Engelhardt): Geologie auf dem Mond. Stuttgart: Enke 1979; Ahrens, L.H. (ed.): Chemistry of the Moon. Oxford-New York-Toronto: Pergamon Press 1981
2. v. Engelhardt, W., Stengelin, R.: Earth Planet. Sci. Lett. 42, 213 (1979); 52, 55 (1981)
3. MacDonald, G.A., Katsura, T.: J. Petrol. 5, 82 (1964)
4. Nyquist, L.E., in: Chemistry of the Moon. p. 103 (L.H. Ahrens, ed.). New York: Pergamon Press 1981
5. Turner, G., in: ibid. p. 145