1. M. Becker/K. Mehlhorn: “Routing and Edge-disjoint paths in planar graphs” Technical report, FB 10, Universität des Saarlandes, Aug. 1984
2. M. Brady/D. Brown: “VLSI Routing: Four Layers Suffice” MIT VLSI conference, 1984
3. A. Frank: “Disjoint Paths in Rectilinear Grids” Combinatorica 2, 4 (1982), 361–371
4. M. Kaufmann/K. Mehlhorn: “Local Routing of two-terminal Nets is easy” Technical report, FB 10, Universität des Saarlandes, Okt. 1984
5. M.R. Kramer/J. van Leeuwen”: “Wire Routing is NP-complete” Technical Report RUU-CS-82-4, 1982, Utrecht