1. A. Grasselli, L'elaborazione dei dati della camera a bolle,Alta Frequenza,31, 551–559 (September, 1962).
2. P. V. C. Hough andB. W. Powell, A method for faster analysis of bubble chamber photographs,Nuovo Cimento, Serie X,18, 1184–1191 (August, 1960).
3. G. R. Macleod, The development of data analysis systems for bubble chambers, for spark chambers and for counter experiments,Nuclear Instruments and Methods,20, 367–383 (January, 1963).
4. A. Grasselli, Automatic scanning and measuring of bubble chamber photographs,University of California Radiation Laboratory Report UCRL-9231 (June, 1960).
5. A. Grasselli, Automatic pattern detection in bubble chamber data,Proceedings 3rd Intern. Conf. on Cybernetics, Namur, September 1961.