1. M. Tinkham,Introduction of Superconductivity (McGraw-Hill, New York, 1975), Chapter 4.
2. D. Saint-James, E. J. Thomas, and G. Sarma,Type II Superconductivity (Pergamon Press, London, 1969), Chapters 2 and 5.
3. W. J. Skocpol, M. R. Beasley, and M. Tinkham,J. Low Temp. Phys. 16, 145 (1974).
4. D. W. Jillie, Interactions between coupled thin-film microbridge Josephson junctions, Ph.D. Thesis, State University of New York at Stony Brook (1976).
5. T. M. Klapwijk and J. E. Mooij,Phys. Lett. 57A, 97 (1976).